Dr. Thomas N. Seyfried - Supporting Cancer Research that Promotes Less Harmful Metabolic Therapy with Ketogenic Diet

Professor & Researcher at Boston College
Charity to Donate: https://www.foundationformetaboliccancertherapies.com/
About Dr. Thomas N. Seyfried:
Dr. Thomas N. Seyfried is a professor and cancer researcher at Boston College. He has done some really great research work in the development of cancer therapies that can be used alternatively to the standard of care offered today by the hospitals in general.
His approach to cancer remission focusses on not the genetic aspect of cancer as each tumor cell could potentially have many different mutations. However, all of them are using same mechanism to metabolize and grow. Therefore, Dr. Seyfried’s research work is mainly around using metabolic therapy for treating cancer in the most non-invasive and non-toxic way possible.
He started off his research with neurodegenerative diseases and examining the role of ketogenic diet in neurodegenerative diseases like epilepsy. He further expanded his research in cancer building on the foundational work done by Otto Heinrich Warburg who had shown the phenomenon of Warburg effect where cancer cells were shown to use the ancient pathway of fermentation to grow themselves.
In our cells, we have energy producing organelle called mitochondria which helps metabolize the food we eat that comes in the form of Glucose through pathway of Kreb cycle/ electron transport chain to convert glucose into energy in the form of ATP. This cycle can only take place in presence of oxygen.
However, in tumor cells, glucose gets metabolized by an alternative pathway called fermentation (anaerobic pathway that does not need oxygen) via substrate level phosphorylation to produce energy and hence, allowing the cancer cells to grow.
Dr. Seyfried picked up on the same research and made new findings about the role of Glutamine, a non essential amino acid in our body which is needed for several body processes such as its involvement in different parts of mechanisms in our brain, immune function, and for the gut to work properly. However, Dr. Seyfried’s work showed that Glutamine can also be metabolized by tumor cells by substrate level phosphorylation to produce energy, hence, allowing cancer cells to grow.
Dr. Seyfried has continued in his research work along the globe with his other doctor colleagues to utilize an alternative approach to handle cancer based on this metabolic pathway that can effectively starve tumor cells to death by limiting their fuel in the form of glucose through a calorie restricted ketogenic diet (low in carbohydrates and proteins), prolonged water fasting, and finding a drug called as DON that can be used in much less and non toxic dose to inhibit glutamine usage in tumor cells but not affecting the normal cells.
His concept of using a well-planned ketogenic diet comes from his “press-pulse research work” where he shows that normal cells in our body and our brain cells have the metabolic flexibility to switch from using glucose to ketones as the fuel for metabolism. Ketones are produced by the liver when the fatty acids are metabolized. This flexibility is absent from the tumor cells due to the mutations found on it. Therefore, one can press the tumor cells by removing their fuel as glucose and creating high level of ketones in blood and then using pulse therapy with small dosages of drugs in to help heal so one can make their impact less toxic avoiding side effects by keeping the body already in a state of nutritional ketosis. Along with drugs, he also mentions of another therapy of using hyperbaric oxygen therapy to treat cancer where the patient in placed in pure oxygen at high pressure. https://nutritionandmetabolism.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12986-017-0178-2
This is also one of the main reasons why prolonged water fasting for several weeks have helped people reverse cancer due to the absence of the fuel needed for tumor cells to thrive but still allowing normal cells to selectively thrive due to release of ketones from the stored fats in our body which gets used by brain and normal cells to thrive.
Dr. Seyfried has been actively working in his cancer research and collecting several case studies that have used metabolic therapies alongside of less toxic drugs or reduced dosage of chemo or radiation or other therapies such as insulin potentiation therapy where mainly the metabolic therapy empowers the patient to use less of the other therapies that may have a more harmful side effect.
There are several successful case studies now available where end stage cancer patients have used metabolic approaches to heal and reverse cancer. One may reach out directly to Dr. Seyfried to learn about the case studies if interested.
His research work majorly focused on the alternative side of healing which tries to resolve the problem at its very foundation and is therefore, mainly supported by donors and NGOs and charitable foundations that are working towards improving the cure and prevention of cancer.
Our organization, Karunamayi Holistic Inc. is very proud to support Dr. Thomas Seyfried’s cause by letting our members know and become aware of his work and how they can donate to his cause. We highly encourage anyone who is wanting to support cancer research to read about Dr. Seyfried’s work and donate to his cause so we can see better survival rates for cancer in the future.
To Donate to Dr. Seyfried’s cause, please follow the link below to donate directly to Travis Christofferson’s Foundation that supports the work of Dr. Seyfried’s research:
We hope you will make a contribution to the noble cause that can finally make the life-threatening stages of cancer just another history for our mankind allowing the wisdom to heal many through the therapies of diet, lifestyle, and alternative treatments, with reduced dosage of more harmful conventional therapies that have side effects.
To watch one of his interviews on YouTube where he speaks on metabolic therapy towards cancer, please visit the link below:
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