Karunamayi Holistic Inc. Canada
Core values of Karunamayi Holistic Inc. are compassion and purity.
We promote overall wellness (physical, emotional, occupational and social) in a holistic way by helping people connect with services related to healthy living based on Ayurveda, Naturopathy and Allopathy doctors, clinics, medical centers, diagnostic centers, Yoga teachers, Indian Arts, Music & Dance teachers, wellness retreats, organic diet and more.
Our Wellness programs based on compassion and purity are delivered through:
- Online webinars, courses and classes through 3rd party service providers.
- Organizing virtual online consultations with health services around the world.
- Providing information in healthy, organic lifestyle through Ayurveda experts such as doctors, practitioners, etc. as well as Allopathic MD doctors who provide coaching in healthy, organic diet by inviting them to hold webinars for us and by hosting courses and classes through our website.
- Providing information through blogs written by different health advisors in organic diet.
- Connecting people in Canada, USA, UK, Europe, Australia and around the world with health service providers.
We are always looking for good Ayurveda, Naturopathy & Allopathy doctors, clinics, diagnostic centers, Yoga teachers, Indian Arts, Music & Dance teachers, wellness retreats and organic food vendors and chefs in Canada, USA, UK, Europe, Australia, India and around the world. Please email us your details / inquiry at contact@karunamayiholistic.com

Karunamayi Holistic Inc. assists in organizing in-person and group wellness retreats at different locations around the world for wellness. These include course retreats by health coaches, Ayurveda practitioners or doctors, Yoga Schools and Allopathic medical centers.
Some example retreats are Ayurveda & Panchkarma retreats for detoxification and Therapeutic Yoga retreats for physical wellness.
We are always pleased to connect with different service providers across the world interested in holding such events and we actively seek retreat centers across the world and specifically in Canada, India and Europe to work with them to help organize retreats.

Karunamayi Holistic Inc. assists in organizing in-person and group wellness retreats at different locations around the world for wellness. These include course retreats by health coaches, Ayurveda practitioners or doctors, Yoga Schools and Allopathic medical centers.
Some example retreats are Ayurveda & Panchkarma retreats for detoxification and Therapeutic Yoga retreats for physical wellness.
We are always pleased to connect with different service providers across the world interested in holding such events and we actively seek retreat centers across the world and specifically in Canada, India and Europe to work with them to help organize retreats.
We encourage different organic brands around the world to sponsor webinars to promote natural and whole foods diet, minimize excessive processing or ultra processing of foods, and focus on diets suitable for different individuals based on their body types and requirements. Our main passion for organic food is to help promote both the health of humans and the environment. The sponsors of the webinars will show their ads during the webinar to a global audience.

Karunamayi Holistic Inc. invites Yoga Schools and Teachers to offer in-depth courses and flexible drop-in classes. We provide platform for serious yoga practice. All forms of yoga are encouraged every day for people of all age groups. We also conduct special yoga classes for people with health problems.

Karunamayi Holistic Inc. invites Yoga Schools and Teachers to offer in-depth courses and flexible drop-in classes. We provide platform for serious yoga practice. All forms of yoga are encouraged every day for people of all age groups. We also conduct special yoga classes for people with health problems.
We also help provide allopathic medical tourism for those willing to travel to India for treatments as well as diagnosis by helping organize treatment plans and connecting people to right hospitals, doctors or clinics for complete treatment plan or diagnosis plan.

From Bhagavad Gita
युक्ताहारविहारस्य युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु।
युक्तस्वप्नावबोधस्य योगो भवति दुःखहा।।
With moderate eating (of saatvik ahaara as Lord Krishna speaks in Chapter 17 of Bhagavad Gita which comes with love towards others and no harm and does not arouse passion in a man towards gross objects but takes one towards union with supreme) and moderate recreation (in ancient India recreation was form of Yogic exercises or healthy form of recreations good for mind and spirit which we incorporated for better health), balanced work, and regulated sleep and wakefulness one mitigates all sorrows by practicing this Yog. – Chapter 6 Shloka 17 from Bhagavad Gita
From Bhagavad Gita
युक्ताहारविहारस्य युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु।
युक्तस्वप्नावबोधस्य योगो भवति दुःखहा।।
युक्ताहारविहारस्य युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु।
युक्तस्वप्नावबोधस्य योगो भवति दुःखहा।।
With moderate eating (of saatvik ahaara as Lord Krishna speaks in Chapter 17 of Bhagavad Gita which comes with love towards others and no harm and does not arouse passion in a man towards gross objects but takes one towards union with supreme) and moderate recreation (in ancient India recreation was form of Yogic exercises or healthy form of recreations good for mind and spirit which we incorporated for better health), balanced work, and regulated sleep and wakefulness one mitigates all sorrows by practicing this Yog. – Chapter 6 Shloka 17 from Bhagavad Gita

For any details, please write to us at contact@karunamayiholistic.com
Karunamayi Holistic Inc. is a Canadian company founded by Gauri Saran, Shakti Saran and Rameshwar Saran.
Disclaimer: Our company including through our website, social media, prints or any other activities never gives any medical advise. All our content is for information purpose only and they are not to replace any conventional allopathic treatment. For any of your concerns, please contact your primary care physicians or for Ayurvedic help, please contact Ayurvedic doctors directly.